2024 Events
Our Fall Fellowship on October 20th was a fun time! Games were Wrap the Mummy, Draw a Pumpkin on Your Head, and Unwrap a Chocolate with Mitts. Kids in costume, candy treats, then plenty of good food for all and lots of laughter throughout.
These are just a few of the many "snapshots" taken. Visit https://www.flickr.com/photos/wherefriendsbecomefamily/albums/72177720321661795 to see them all! |
Our September Fellowship featured a baby shower for Lani and Landon, in anticipation of their daughter Eastlynn Dawn's arrival in October. So many gifts for a precious little one!
These photos and more are available on our Flickr site at www.flickr.com/photos/wherefriendsbecomefamily/albums/72177720320376301
"Christmas in July" Fellowship July 28th involved decorating Christmas tree ornaments. Everyone was provided with plastic mats for the ensuing fallout from paint, glitter, etc.! Lots of clear balls were decorated inside and out and other decorations painted in holiday colors. These "personalized" ornaments will adorn our tree in the Fellowship Hall during the Christmas season. Afterward, everyone gets to take theirs home. Of course, the "fun" was followed with good food and fellowship as usual!
FYI: Move your cursor to the picture to select "play" for the slideshow or use the arrow to advance the slides one at a time. Photos available on our Flickr site at www.flickr.com/photos/wherefriendsbecomefamily/albums/72177720320419089/ |
Family Fellowship March 24 was all about the children. See pictures of the Easter Egg Hunt, etc. on the Children's page.
2023 Events
Christmas Fellowship on December 17th involved throwing snowballs and tossing at reindeers! And, of course, our usual good food and fellowship! |
Fall Family Fellowship on October 22nd included outside games and an inside Trick or Treat for the little ones, along with great food and fellowship.
Family Feud was the game for our summer July 30th Fellowship! It was the women against the men and things got a little wild at times. This game is always fun to play every year or so, lots of laughter at responses and disagreement with the survey's answers. Add the sandwiches, chips and dip, and desserts, along with visiting with our church family, and the evening was a success. Put your cursor over the pictures to see the captions.
April Family Fellowship, April 2nd - Egg hunt for the kiddos, egg games for everyone, with good food and fellowship!
Be sure to POP OUT the screen!
February Family Fellowship, Feb 19th - Games, food, fellowship, and lots of laughter!
Game One - Stack the Cups
Game Two - Ping Pong Balls into the Buckets
2022 Events
Pictures from our April 10th fellowship with the children's Easter egg hunt, the Easter story, etc. are on the children's page. |
2021 Events
Survey says..... Family Feud was the game for our November 21st Fellowship! Plenty of "teams" took part amid laughter and disbelief at some of the responses. We plan to survey the church family and use their responses for next time! As always, lots of food to eat and the opportunity to catch up with friends.
You can see these pictures and lots more in a larger format on our Flickr album. |
Sunday, November 14th, we recognized our veterans in a special service. Church members had many relatives to post on our Roll Call of Veterans which you can view by clicking on the picture. Veterans are listed by the family rather than strictly by last name.
Our October Fellowship included an hour of Bingo during which the mood varied from serious contemplation to rounds of laughter. The judges were busy sampling desserts for the Men's Bake Off -- all kinds of desserts. Turns out the men can bake pretty good! Best Taste to Brian Castleberry for his Bread Pudding. Best Overall to Mike Murphy for his apple pie. Best Look to Terry Sargent for his peanut butter pie. And, last, but not least, and certainly the funniest -- Ugliest and Tastiest to Jimmie Roberts for his red velvet cake. Not so good looking, but tasted real good! Flickr Photo Storage: www.flickr.com/photos/wherefriendsbecomefamily/albums/72177720320399105 |
The singing group Renewed was the main act for our September Fellowship. It had been several years since Matt Bentley, Chris Roberts, and Jimmie Roberts had performed together. Better than ever! What a blessing!
The original Renewed started in 1992; members have changed over the years, but these three have been the foundation for almost 30 years. |
Our August Fellowship brought back the corn hole players and other folks to test their skills. Also an evening meal with friends and good conversation!
July 25, 2021 - "Family Reunion" - First time since Covid shutdown for our church family to gather to have fun and eat together! Lots of games for all ages, most popular was cornhole, expect we'll see a lot of that in the future.
The most recent events for children and youth are highlighted on their respective pages. Other past church events can be viewed in our Flickr Photo Albums.. View past Vacation Bible Schools, Trunk of Treats, Cruise-Ins, Youth Conferences and Lock-ins, Holiday Parties and Fellowships, Tablescapes, Relay for Life events, etc.
2020 Events
Our Relay for Life Cruise-In on April 27th was a resounding success! A beautiful day, fantastic turnout of cars, trucks, and bikes (we counted about 75!), your generous donations and all the food sold! Thanks to everyone who brought a vehicle or came to enjoy the wonderful display. Thank you all for helping us raise money to fight cancer. There are many more pictures of beautiful vehicles posted here.
Many thanks to all the folks who came out to support our Relay for Life Tablescapes dinner on February 26th. Everyone enjoyed the tables decorated for the seasons and holidays plus cars and trucks and even Starwars--lots of creativity! There was good food and fellowship, followed by inspirational music and a wonderful speaker who shared her survival story. These are just a few of the many pictures to view. Check these others!
Our Trunk of Treats on Halloween was fun for the kids and their families, and as you can see by the pictures below--fun for us, too! Always a "treat" to see the children in costume and talk to the adults (some of them in costume, too). Enjoy the photos - more available here.
Our 2018 Relay for Life Cruise-In on April 14th had a great turnout (over 50 cars), especially considering the predicted stormy weather! Steel Works Garage in Moody provided some "wow" awards. Pictures of vehicles and winners are available online.
Our Relay for Life Tablescape Dinner on December 5th was another delightful evening with fellowship, good food, and, of course,wonderfully decorated tables! Our theme was gingerbread men, gingerbread women, and gingerbread houses -- they were everywhere! For more pictures, click here.
We had another great turnout for Trunk or Treat on Halloween night. Lots of cute costumes and oodles of candy! Here are just a few of pictures with more available here.
Our final Relay for Life event/fundraiser for 2017--the Summit event at Legion Stadium on April 29th. Thanks to the team members for all their hard work and everyone else who pitched in when needed--all to raise money to fight cancer.
Our Relay for Life Cruise-In on April 8th was a great success--over 60 vehicles of all ages from old timers to new beauties! A few are shown below, but pictures of all entries are available by clicking here. Thanks to all who participated and helped us raise money to fight cancer.
Our Family Fun Fellowship on February 12th was fun for the entire family. Check out this video of the games! |
Once again, our Relay for Life Tablescape Dinner on January 17th was a huge success--beautifully decorated tables (some elegant, some whimsical), good food, entertainment by Amy Holcomb and her delightful young daughter, Kendall, and ending with an inspiring message from Anne Ogle Pruitt, a recent cancer survivor. These are just a few of the photographs, lots more pictures are available.
Trunk of Treats on October 31st was fun for all. This is our annual community outreach, a safe place to bring your children on Halloween. More pictures are available here.
Our June Family Fellowship on June 12th found the young'ns and some slightly older folks enjoying a dual of waterslides and small pools of cooling water. Supper was hot dogs, chips and dip, and lots of desserts.....a fun fellowship for the whole family! For more pictures, click here.
The Westview Relay for Life Cruise-In on April 30th was a successful fundraiser and brought vehicles from near and far, including some great classic cars and trucks, as well as recently minted models. Thanks to all who participated! Pictures of all these wonderful vehicles are available here.
2015 - 2009
Photo albums of many Westview events are listed on our Flickr site and there are videos posted to our YouTube channel, WestviewSylacauga (select Videos and scroll past the sermons! Many happy and enjoyable memories!